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02 Boxes - Vietnam Golden Star Balm OPC Big Jar Cold Cough

02 Boxes - Vietnam Golden Star Balm OPC Big Jar Cold Cough

Regular price $25.00
Regular price $29.00 Sale price $25.00
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Vietnam Golden Star Balm OPC for Anti Cold, Cough, Rheumatism

Vietnam Golden Star Balm OPC is prepared from high-grade natural pure essential oils. Cinnamon, peppermint, cajuput, holy basil with menthol, and camphor give the balm a synergic effect with the message on the Acu-points. This balm of OPC is produced by a unique method, active ingredients penetrate deeply into the skin to the Acupuncture routes of the Meridians in Asian Traditional Medicine.

  • Origin: Made in Vietnam by OPC Pharma
  • EXP: 02 years from the manufacturing date
  • Package: Box contains 20 grams Net Weight

Formula: Camphor 4246 g, Menthol 2126 g, Oleum Menthae  2626 g, Oleum Cajeputi  1054 g, Oleum Ocimi Gratissimi 654 g, Oleum Cinnamomi 266 g, Excipients … s.q.f. 4.00 g, (Paraffin, bee wax, lanoline, vaseline)

golden star balm 20 grams opc
Golden star balm 20 grams OPC

Reference: History of Vietnam Golden Star Balm

Vietnam Golden Star Balm OPC Instruction for Use

It is recommended to be used when you have the following: Cold and flu, headache, runny nose, nausea, colic, motion sickness, mosquito bites, and other insect stings.

The balm is very useful for colds, rheumatism, migraines, and aching joints. Material for the manufacture of balsam is natural essential oils derived from eucalyptus, peppermint, clove, and cinnamon. In addition, the composition of balsam includes aromatic acids and herbal products, the main task of which irritates nerve endings of the skin and mucous membranes of organs.

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  • Additional Info: If you have a headache, or feel about of seasickness during the trip, We recommend you to rub a very small amount of balm below the nose, on the forehead, and neck. After using, please clean your hands before touching your eyes (may burn much).
    In boiling water, add a bit of balm, and you can make better inhalation when breathing
    If inflamed trigeminal or facial nerve can lubricate these parts balm. Also used for rheumatism and joint pain.
    The balm can be stored for very long and does not lose its properties.

Today, most Acupuncture, doctors, and therapists recommend their clients to apply this when one or more of the mentioned indication(s) is discovered. Complete instruction in English is enclosed with your purchase as directed by the manufacturer.p

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